Cloud Services
Cloud Services
A cloud service is any service made available to users on demand via the Internet from a cloud computing provider’s servers as opposed to being provided from a company’s own on-premises servers. Cloud services are designed to provide easy, scalable access to applications, resources and services, and are fully managed by a cloud services provider.
eCommerce Apps
eCommerce Apps
Softforce Developed a lot of eCommerce Applications for client using the following technologies and tools.
– LAMP Framework
– WordPress
– Drupal
– Magento
– ionic Framework
– IOS native SDK
– Android SDK
Various functional components
– Shopping Carts
– Product Catalogues
– online shopping
– document management
– Payment gateway interfaces
AI and ML Development
AI and ML Development
Machine learning refers to the ability of IT systems to independently find solutions to problems by recognizing patterns in databases. In other words: Machine Learning enables IT systems to recognize patterns on the basis of existing algorithms and data sets and to develop adequate solution concepts.
Softforce Apps built expertise in this area and tried to apply the concepts to the existing client applications. We have used the below functional and technical components.
– Logistical regression
– Inferencing based on regression algorithms
– Chatbots
– Deploying training data and models
Web Portal Development